Recently, I encountered Victor on my way to the clinic around Yaba, he is such a charmer despite the fact that he is disabled yet he speaks fluently.

We became friends based on the fact that each time I pass along his domain we exchanged pleasantries and I give him what ever I
have to offer that day and tag along.

One this particular day, I stopped by to have a chat with him because I am always marveled at how he speaks and interacts with people around despite being incapacitated.

So, while we spoke I asked him why he dropped out of school and how come he got amputated on his leg, the crust of it all was that he lost his parents when he was in secondary school, on his way back from their burial he had an accident that took one of his leg and so he resulted to begging to make ends meet.

While I walked home , I thought about the various reasons why many children dropped out of school, coupled with what Victor shared with me , below are some of the reasons

*Economic challenges (war insecurity, pandemic)
*Bad peer group(expelled)
*Loss of parents or sponsors
*Hard drugs
*Early marriage
*Early pregnancy
*Terminal illness
*Lack of interest
*Bad orientation
*Child labor
*No exposure
*Personal issues

The list continues, there are so many unlimited to mention as to why children drop out of school no matter how much we pretend to avoid these issue, it would one day tell back on the society because these ones are the future of our nation.

Let's make it a project to embark on when we meet these lads who are out of school, take your time to know why and what happened to them and see best possible ways to redirect them to the paths that would help protect our society tomorrow.

The future of these lads lies in our hands, to avoid a society full of thieves and robbers, its best we plug in now to make a difference, there are NGOs who are out there to pick them up, there are foundations who are linked with providing skills acquisition for both formal and informal forms of learning, they are ready to welcome and accept them.

It is our duty to watch out for each other, sanitise our society and hasten development from the minds of all we encounter for a better tomorrow, which would directly or indirectly affect us all

Vivsravine speaks


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