If you Dont see the value in by your side, I won't convince you..

Every woman/man  deserves to.have a man or woman who is proudly willing to say to the whole world 'yeah, he or she is my one and only, he or she is beautiful and she is mine, she is intelligent, full of flaws yet she complements me and vice versa 

Promise me you stay with me, we figth for what we have and win this war together..

Life isn't governed by miracles but by principles, chose to forgive your partner in advance, its the highest form of love..

There would always be trials and mistakes in marriage but you must be ready to figth & face it and overcome it with love, make yours work. 

Marriage last long not because they are destined to but because both involved make a conscious effort to make /work for it.

Marriage is a union between two great forgivers, if you don't know how to forgive, there is no need to marry, because there are lots of flaws in marriage that must always occur as long as both of you live together. 

Appreciate your spouse, softly,speak well of him or her, uncover his/her feet, make him or her comfortable and lay him/her down and give peace. 

As you both age, the generator goes down, then what keeps /spices /holds the marriage at this piont?

Love isn't enough,, find other things that makes you both glued. 

When a man is sexually satisfied as your hubby, he becomes emotional stable, spice up your marriage, when a woman is comfortable with you she makes your home peaceful. 

Dear wify,

If your hubby was to repay your dowry, will he increase or reduce it, be worthy, make him deserve you, by the reason of who you are. 

Dear you ,

Don't marry a man or woman who has no mentor, someone who he or she is accountable to, Ruth 3:6

A man shall LEAVE his father's house and CLEAVE to his wife, after marriage if your husband or wife's life isn't better/improve, its your fault. 

As a woman know little of everything, it turns a man on, no man wants an old bride, keep updating yourself..

As a man be concerned about the little things and be detailed also, woman loves men who pay and give them attention, it turns her on too. 

Vivsravine speaks 


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