As a woman, I have so experienced alot from marriages and I can categorically say that there are 3 types of married women in their homes, as regards my personal encounters with them and shared experiences with people around, permit me to list them aa follows :

Home breakers
Nonchalants attitudes
Home builders

These set of married women are just out to break their homes and the homes of other married women, many a time they have a click of friends who all they do is drag their families down, quarrel with relatives and inlaws alike, shatter friendship and pull their husbands down.

There is never a happy moment with them, no matter how wealthy their spouses are, they are always ready to ferment trouble and it becomes worse if their husbands isn't as okay as expected, they become the topic of discussion in their gathering and gossips, they gear at his faults and find ways to rubbish his ego if he still has one.

They don't take corrections, they are too proud and they are all out for a tussle, ever ready to lash out insults and organise a mob to deal with any one that dares them, such women eventually remain separated divorced or finally kill their partners to remain in power and achieve their selfish aims.


I call the set of women the follow follow kind of women, these ones don't have a mind of their own, they are easily cajoled, easily pushed and instigated, they sit on the fence and follow the crowd.

If they are fortunate enough to have good peers around them, they can be better of in the future, but if they fall prey to dubious minded people around them, they will be used to stupor.

These ones are not ready to learn or make a difference, they wait for their spouses to do everything for them and live the life of 'I don't care' attitude.

Depending on their temperaments, they can be calmed or volute based on their encounter with people around them, they are subjected to 'I can't kill my self in marriage'


Marriage takes and entails alot of sacrifice, these set of women are probably the ones who truly knows what martial bliss or pains is all about before they indulged, these ones so prepared themselves for marriage before they got married.

Such women are selfless, they can go to any length to make sure their marriage is working, they are obident to the core, they work hand in hand with all and they are family inclined.

90 percent of them are highy industrious, ambitious and energetic, they don't take no for an answer, they are goal getters and the ly sacrifice to make all happier around them.

These women don't have time to gossip and mop around, the set goals and achieve them, they don't wait for their spouses before they put food on the table, they are highy understanding and they connote respect.

Such women are the pride of their husbands, they joy of their children and the bliss of the extended family and friends, they are happy doing whatsoever they find their hands to do, they are always ready to help and bless, they strive to keep their families together and respect each others views

To the married, am certain you know your place and to the aspiring an also certain you know what you want, make sure you align with. 

Vivsravine speaks 



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