You see everyone you come across in life has a story to tell.
Don't act like your story is better than the other because you didn't get to pass through what they went through.
In the journey of life we all have one story attached to our names, the difference is that we alone can tell our stories better.
To some their stories are so good and they are grateful for life, while to some their story is so pathetic that we wish they never happened.
Our destinies are different, we are not set for the same kind of expectations and experiences in life yet this life happens to us all.
Some who are so privileged migth meet their down times later in life, while some who started with the wars migth meet their pleasures later in life.
Hold on to the positive things that kept life going even in thr midst of the heat, the pains migth last for a life's time yet a glimpse of hope is all we anticipate to make the dark days brighter.
Share in each other's burden that's the only way to help lift a brother from pain, at least its the much you can do
Stop bragging about the things you have in your possession they migth not be there again in the next minute, sometimes life can be very funny and no one can ever predict the next second.
We have seen the mighty fallen and also seen the lowly risen to greater heights, the piont shared here is that no matter what life throws at you, make sure you bring out the best from it
We fail to talk about our different struggles, we’ve had in life, there are so many struggles and pains the media don't report because such news won't make sales for them, yet life happens daily .
They won't report how the black neighbor is helping out the white neighbor because it isn’t good for the network to make money.
Let's try and encounter people with the mindset of lifting their burden and leaving a trait with them with our act of kindness, we need each other.
Vivsravine speaks
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