Use your TIME, TALENTS AND TREASURE to appreciate GOD and your fellow human beings ,it is in service we make a difference and its beautiful to make it a duty to say at least 8 thank yous out of 10 with every one you encounter daily, it will open more doors for you, yet it takes nothing from you.
No matter who is involved..
A gateman.
A cleaner.
A cook.
A gardener.
Your staff.
A trader.
A stranger..
A driver..
A hawker
A cashier
A conductor
A begger.
Any one
Whosoever it is, show gratitude to them, gratitude is a virtue, if you are not grateful to your fellow man,you will find it difficult to show gratitude to God, whom u haven't seen..
Abraham showed appreciation, did you know that gratitude and thanksgiving opens doors, how far have u gone in appreciating God?
Abel showed appreciation, Rachel showed appreciation, Solomon showed appreciation, show yours in gratitude and in thanksgiving
Naaman showed appreciation, one of the 10 lepers showed appreciation, the best way to show appreciation to God is in prayer and worship and in the act of charity and service to one another.
Teach me Lord to be appreciative in all situations, like the leper of old, make me remain ever grateful and appreciate each other no matter who they are,nothing knowing what form you can appear to us, help us to say always :
Lord am grateful
Thank you for all
Glory to you alone
Mma. Mma na ekene
Otito dirigi
Na ra ekene mo
Dalu soh olisa
Ese oluwami
Mo fun yo lo go
Eyi ati ope mi re
A dupe jesu
Thank you God
Daily I thank you
Indeed my praise
You are God forever
Vivsravine speaks
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