Two days before my birthday, October a month I cherished so much.

Same two days before the planned visit to Abuja to see have the best moment for my birthday thanksgiving which was disrupted by the end sars protest which was hijacked by our political inclined beings.

On this said ay, as I got excited and longed for my trip, with all arrangements in place, I went about posting online on the ongoing end sars protest against bad governance and the tied hands of its citizens.

My phone went dead as the almighty power holden had seized ligth to faustrate the end sars protester as home, hence I went to my neighbours apartment to charge my phone that evening, while I stayed back at my neighbour's house for a chat about the state of the nation.

At about 8pm that sad that day, I went into my apartment when power has been restored and I switched on my phone.

Lo, the first post that welcomed me was the live video by DJ switch on Instagram on the incessant shorting at the lekki toll gate, I just started screaming and alerted my other family members.

Everyone came to my phone to have their eyes filled with the pain I was screaming about.

For the next 10 minutes the shooting continued and I just wondered who on earth ordered these shouting and killing of her citizens who were chanting their national anthem..

At this point I just remembered Chinua Achebe in the book titled 'There was a country " at that point I rephrased it" Indeed a zoo " with pains in my heart I headed for facebook to pour my pain on our repressed beings whom I wouldn't call leaders but living venom spitting bullets on her own brothers because of selfish and greedy ambitions.

Severally post were made on my wall on that day and facebook was busy blocking alot of people for reasons attributed on the fact that vulgar words were used.

Pained I was blocked and I couldn't make a post, like, comment or even share, I felt bad, I became pissed with facebook team, I started asking questions if they were supporting what was happening here in this disorganised zoo.

The reality was that, they killed alot of us, many died and a handful injured, the pains we all can't forget, the reality still freash like the haze that covers the morning dew, we wept like we had no home.

Days passed, my birthday came and gone, a day after, facebook lifted the ban, I was amazed because they messaged me that I was going off its handle for a month but alas they retracted and lifted their ban for reasons best known to them.

I stll sent my appreciation but I won't forget it was a birthday to remember, all seated at home to mourn the souls departed and to ask God for three things on my birthday 

How do l forget 20/10/2020?

If i don't even know any story, i have a first hand information to tell my kids

The events of this day made us realised we had no democracy and as such, the revolution has indeed began.

The souls of those who took our place, who fought for our emancipation, the ones who gave up their liberty for us to enjoy a future we hoped for, to all the freedom fighters, rest on, to us all left to mourn them, may we be liberated soon to make them prouder.

Indeed there is no country.

Vivsravine speaks 


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