Hello, I will be home soon, please make my food ready, I will be with you shortly, and the call ends.

She waits endlessly and he isn't home to eat the food and all she hears is that he is no more. 

Wished we can control the affairs of the next second, truly tomorrow is promised, the next second isn't guaranteed and life is not certain.

All seems like a mirage, we wake up to lots of questions and wonders as to how and why it happened, who can really tell, how do we explain and trust the details we have no clue to, the episode seem so unclear, yet the reality sets before us and we left to wail in pain and remain silent like the grave yard.

One thing is certain, we all don't like that phase to happen but it always happens, life comes with so many uncertainties, tomorrow can't guarantee anything. 

They start a project, anticipating to complete, they build a mansion hoping to live in, they buy a property to enjoy, they spend all their saving on training a child and hoping to enjoy the fruits their in, they get married and praying to enjoy all the bliss there in, they acquire a car and happy to drive all the way, but the the unbargained reality decides to take it cause and effect without no consultation and discussion. 

Tommorrw seems haze and blank, there is no reason to worry about it when you can't hold on to it, many who worry or struggle about it end up being manipulated and left wondering, it is best we enjoy every moment we have and share, live like today is tomorrow and save your self from the uncertainties of tomorrow. 

Vivsravine ©


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