Morals, used to be the way we describe people in the past, the integrity and the atitude they wear, we make reference to them and most times call such people with high living standards as our role models.

In our world today, our morals are no more visible, our atitude are vage and there is no integrity to show for it, we now live in a world where we are competing with a stranger, we fight back to back to display a show of insanity because of temporary things and things so fading.

The virtues that are lasting are now neglected, the likes of peace, joy, forgiveness, fortitude, piety, wisdom, understanding, self control, love, faithfulness and the likes, we have rather replaced all these with hate and lots of vices so bad to mention.

We easily pay evil for evil, we are ready to take revenge and forsake the place of forgiveness, we are quick to judge, backlash and even go ahead to persecute a fellow without fair hearing, all we want is the downfall of a person.

Do you know we can be better of, if we inbibe the spirit of seeing the other person win, did you know our world can be more saved when we all have a goal of impacting lives positively and more so when our environment is all about the next door neighbour's wellbeing, we become conscious and more intentional to winning and becoming better versions of ourselves not seeking selfish gains.

We all need each other, no one no matter the level of exposure can be everything in a person, you can be a doctor but can't be a lawyer, a bricklayer, a gardener, a judge at the same time, you just have to be unique and impacting in your own calling and purpose for the service of humanity.

We all truly need each other, the impacts we make tends to become lasting because selflessness goes a long way than wickedness, our attitude towards one another determines the way we live our lives.

It is so sickening that vices have taken a better part of us, we hardly apply wisdom, self control and a little patience, our times are so polluted that we inhale negatively and exhale bad influence.

We can still be better people, when we decide to make significant effort and effect a change for our own betterment and for the good of our neighbors.



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