If we all know when we will die, I guess we will live more purposefully and make ammends on time.

There are people who we know, lived with, and had personal contacts with that are no more today.

These people wished they never died, some of them if they had the will certainly will live for more years than we can quantify now, many of them are wealthy, influencial, famous, religious, disciplined, stood for something and while some had so many vices they lived with.

The funny thing about death is that, it will never tell when it is coming, but certainly it must come, it careless of what you are doing when it comes, or what ever project you are handling when it comes, or even who you are, when it comes, it strikes.

Death is pain but could be gain on the other side, death is not fair here but is the only passage to attain immortality, death is what no one wished for but is as certain as life.

Who know how he or she will die, who knows the time or day, who can say exactly what is expected to happen at the other side of life, we all have a faith in which we believe when it comes to death and the life beyond, each man to himself.

Death takes no record of your possessions and titles and status, it makes sure that the way you came into this world is the same way you exit, hence it is no respecter of persons.

We have happy death, painful death and  mysterious death, which ever one it is, boils down to the fact that you won't see the person again, it is either a celebration of life or a mark of pain, a transition to glory or unknown pain, yet no one can dare question it or detect for it when it eventually comes.

We pray against it, we don't wish for it and no one wants to die but it is a sad reality which always happens every minute all over the world, I guess it happens so because every other minutes someone is born, someone dies, it is just natural to occur.

Nobody wants to die no matter how pain is afflicted on them, everyone wants touve forever but sadly that can't happen here, or is something no one wants to bargain with yet it comes so unannounced to cause pains and no one dares question it. 



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