Marriage is all about compromise, loving in marriage is not a confusing feeling, rather it comes with so many pains and understanding that sustains the marriage if it must work. 

Making a wise decision is beyond a kind gesture when it comes to making sustianble decision in marriage and in the future of your spouse. 

Love conqueres all, inspire one another, it brings out lots of spark to keep renewing your marriage, which should be out to teach others what marriage is all about.

Come to terms with realities in your home, it's either roses or thrones, no marriage is without it's own wars, don't allow the down times overshadow the good memories, always keep it real.

Shed your marriage form negative vibers, bad influences and people who are always out to see you both quarrel, fight and create chose amongst your home, often times these people are close to you and you can't imagine the damage they had inflicted in you, stop them before the disintegrate and scatter your home.

Engrave a culture to always talk about situations, take lasting actions that is beneficial to all and never stop at investing in each other, from personal development and establishing a future that is solid to behold.

Fan into flame what you desire as a family, make your plans together and excute, it is hard many atime because marriages face lots of issues and problems but with abounding grace you can achieve all you set out to accomplish.

Open up to each other, often times this is why most marriage fail because one person is been hordy or never communicates at all, any thriving relationship is centred on effective communication, there is absolutely nothing to hide and as such, you see couples winning almost all the time.

Teach each other what the other doesn't know, learn to be patient with your spouse, no one is an island of knowing all, hence the need to be a good teacher wherever you find your spouse lagging behind, this helps them grow and become better.

Enlarge and enlighten your minds with event and information around you, stive to be better people and encourage yourselves enough to impact to others around your domain, marriage is not a personal affair but it cuts across those who are part of your lives.

Lead each other to paths that are fruitful, productive and impacting, share what you have impacted and make it work even in your future unknown.

Make your marriage work with what you know, to learn, unlearn and relearn, marriage is an institution that keeps evolving and as such one is expected to move with time and not leaving the vitures that keeps marriage working.

We live in a society that is used to separation, divorce, fights, quarrel and even murder in marriages possibly because we are not patience with one other and we fail to incorporate understanding as a way of life to live and make our marriages work.



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