Our world is so corrupt and filled with so many lies, we all jostle between finding the truth or living with the lies, even the most highly rated places and people are found to feed us with lots of decite and they make it look like the truth is served before us and we are left in no other way and we don't even have the strength to fight for what is right or seek the truth.

Politics is one of the highest forms of decite today, you hardly can find a politician who is not corrupt, they are good story tellers with lies, they pretend like they are so real, yet they trample on our rights, hold the national cake to themselves and make us slaves in our one country, they care less about what happens to the masses, life is all about them, they make policies that favours them and give us peanuts for all our years of hardwork.

Religious bodies are not left behind, they use the name of GOD to do profane things, they bring doctrines that supports what suits them, they are only particular about their selfish goals, they extort form their congregation just to satisfy their needs and they careless about how their members survives, they do all manner of things to pull crowd and make people believe they are connecting to GOD, only to find out they are living their best lives.

Nearly all social lives, is filled with lots of pretense, people do a lot of dubious things to cover up, they are truly what they are not, people now wear fake body parts to gain self confidence at the detriment of their own lives, families goes out of their way to borrow because they are in competion with their neighbours, some can even drink on credit just to prove a point of living large.

The lists is endless, just to showoff, many will go as far as securing expensive schools for their kids, they know outrightly well they can't afford on their own, it is also sadden to see people do all kinds and manner of things on social media platforms, to" pepper them" and show off that they belong to a certain class and that the world belongs to them.

The type of decite that lingers in our hearts can't be fathomed, some people go to the extent of killing, committing fraud, kidnapping and indulging in all manner of crime for selfish reasons which boils down to decit to get something.

Life is far more than all the shenengians we put up to dupe a fellow, make another remain in pains and even create lasting fury on the part of the victim, life shouldn't be this hard, rather it was meant to be simple, free and happy, but because of our choice we chose decite and complicated our lives.

I guess this decite started from the very beginning, when the sarpent lured Eve to take the forbidden fruits which led us all into this mess today, yet we can still be intentional and dare to be different in a world filled with so many decite, we can strive to become better and impacts positively in our world.

Vivsravine ©


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