Often times we are blinded by our thoughts, we forget so easily and we fail to analyse why we reacted so badly to people, we are lured by our emotions and we are careless about how people feel and assume they are fine after an argument, a confrontation or even a fight.

Life lessons are so numerous to remember, some are so valid that we hold on to our beliefs and others we want justice and for some we just let it go, because we don't have the strength to continue. 

People are wired to react differently, no two people can act the same way when a situation confronts them, but it is best to be totally human when circumstances of intentions, mistakes, accidents and unforseen circumstance happens, rather than just saying sorry and live like nothing happened, it is best we try not to allow such happen. 

Many people if given the chance to express their inner most thoughts, will still tell of the pains they are currently undergoing, many have failed to heal, some are living in the shadow of themselves, other are bearing so much grudge of revenge and many don't care if they take laws into their hands by indulging in vengeance. 

Whenever there is a fuss or any plight with people, irrespective of the relationship, rather than always saying sorry and repeating the circumstances that led to the act, saying sorry and moving on only to repeat the process again, it is best to totally avoid what led to such situations, it helps the victim to heal faster, move on and even become a better version of themselves. 

We live in a society where people care only about themselves, they are out to see to personal gains no matter who gets hurts and as such they step on people's toes to get what they want and forget the laws of love and humanity, who speaks for such people and if eventually they do say sorry, you find them doing the same thing even in a more disgusting way.

As an advocate for fairness, forgiveness and justice, I stand with the fact that's saying sorry isn't enough but rather chose to stop all forms of evil and marginalisation against humanity, if unfortunately and unforseen circumstances led to a particular situation, render an apology in a more humane way but still go an extra mile to avert what has happened if you can.

Help people heal, allow them breath from their pains, help them grow beyond the sad reality and ensure that life can still be better for them irrespective of the bad situation at hand.

We can truly be more concerned, we all can extend a hand of fellowship and friendship even if the condition isn't palatable, but at least try and make a significant effort it goes a longer way in showing humanity is still aware and making a huge impact. 

Vivravine ©


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