Whenever I hear this statement in vanacular language" Life no balance " it gets me into so many moody emotions and my thoughts races in so many angles.

Life is actually not balanced and here are so many scenarios, you can also agree with me:

A certain man has so many children but had no tangible resources to take good care of them, he practically struggles to take care of himself let alone his large family, despite his predicament, you hear so many strange things happening in his life or that of his family, it's either he hear of a disease or that an unfortunate incident occurred and you only but wished things were better with him.

On the other hand, there comes a young man who is well to do, has all assets and is comfortable to grace and bless lots of people under his domain but when you look through his eyes you either see he is not happy or has somethings missing to complete his generosity, take for instance, he might not have children of his own or that he is incapacitated physically or that he has something going in his life that his asset can't help him with.

We have heard of stories like a young couple getting married and some few months after one of them becomes bedridden or even dies, then you start to wonder why, won't it have been better they remain unmarried.

Some won't even marry and they become pregnant, while some would have stayed married for years and still no children to show for their union, sadly while some are waiting and hoping to have kids, others are busy aborting children they feel is a burden.

Many came out from school with flying and impeccable grades and yet they will remain jobless for years while some would even acquire better job as undergraduates or even with lesser grades almost immediately.

Some were virgins, many waited to follow due process before getting married and they waited a longer time and even some never got married despite having high good morals but we see some we consider the ills of the society, with no form of attraction getting married to wealthy, good family or spouses despite their past life and societial downgrads.

I know of so many people who have terminal illness and many thoughts they would die almost immediately, still living their lives till date, other managing the situation and hoping to come through admist all pains and misfortune, yet we see healthy people we considerd who are no more either by accident or life just happened to.

What an unbalanced life, least to mention names and list we'll know situations, it only goes to show that life has no respect on any one, life choses how it wants to treat us irrespective of our titles, status, degrees and  accomplishment.

Truly life is God and God is not a respecter of anybody, he alone determines who and how he wants to bless and curse, he alone is the end and the beginning and can do how he pleases, ours is to pray and hope he favours us with all the good things life has to offer us and if our wars also comes, we hope to gain strength from him to overcome them. 


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