So many thoughts race through my mind when I hear some certain things that keeps me wondering and I ask questions unending and why it has to be so, there are some unnecessary talks and beliefs we push forward to create so many pains in the life of people, when situations occur and we hold on to them so keenly that we make a mountain out of a mole.

In most culture when a young married man dies, despite the circumstances behind his death it is always said that his wife killed him, but when a young married woman dies, it is said that her husband lost his wife and he isn't accused of anything.

When a young woman loses her husband, she is been accused of killing the husband and she is subjected to so many unimaginable laws and rules, she is not expected to step out of her house or engage in other activities until after the burial, when she comes back from the burial, she is expected to mourn the husband for months and some a year under so many conditions.

I just wonder why they accuse her when it is generally known the circumstances of his death, some even subject her to drinking water used in bathing the dead husband, other indulges her to take an oath and most times she is placed under duress by some family members and kinsmen.

Sadly, some of these couples lived together in harmony, shared life together and faced their challenges together but when death comes calling, one is always been accused by people who don't know how they lived and shared moments together, causing troubles and problems for the families they left behind.

This is also applicable to traditions that put women on the spot, if and when they cheat as a married woman, the laws never favors them, some traditions even go diabolical to see that such women are put to public shame, reduced to nothing and even some times made to run mad or placed in critical positions of pains, others are sent packing and hardly do they forgive such.

Funny enough when a man is caught cheating, the story is never the same, they practically go scotfree, society applauds them and says "men are polygamous in nature" and there we see the matter dying down and almost forgotten.

Let's create a world void of sentiments and unfavourable conditions which dehumanises our neighbors, life is meant to be enjoyed but we all know for sure that life must happen, but when it happens, let's take out the best of it and move on, rather than inciating pains and creating wars amongst ourselves.

Vivsravine ©


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