It has never ever recorded that life stopped because something bad happened or because someone died or because we are not able to attain the highest levels or meet ceray goals in life, no matter what happens, life must go on. Even in the midst of massive pains, people still eat, drink, go about their business and continue living like nothing ever happened. Life comes in phases, either a good one or bad yet life must happen and continue, nothing stops it, we are so wired to continue admist whatever phase we are undergoing. Some people's life will be near perfect while some will live in abject penury, pain and fears, yet life continues, no one no matter what phase you live with lives forever, we are all like a puff of smoke, seen now and the next second we are gone. What then should our lives we reconked with, what and why should we fight and struggle all through life, when we know we won't be here for eternity. We only live once and it's in our best interests to determine ho...