Its February, its indeed the month of love, let's take out time to spread love always not only subjected to this month, but the goal is to extend these love to every nook and cranny life brings us to.

I heard a story about a man who lost his wife in the cold hands of death some few years ago, he found it so difficult to adjust to the realities that she is no more and she found rest beyond the skies.

It happened that each valentines day, he goes to a five star restaurant, order for two, places the other meal opposite him, pours the wine on two glasses and dines alone.

Each time he does that he often sobs in pains, on how he took her for granted when she was very much around and how he longed to be with her every other day and wished he can change the hands of time.

You know, You ask, why undergo this torment for someone who is no longer with us, but we most times fail to acknowledge them when they are with us, we are always ready to figth and quarrel with them and sometimes we even go ahead to slander and say all sorts of painful words to them.

We are all guilty of taking our other half for granted from time to time,we may forget to give a goodbye kiss, say I love you or just be so caught up in what we are doing at the moment that we don't notice the very little things that mean so much to our special someone.

Sometimes we wished we can make amends, start all over again and go on that date, enjoy the vacation and eat the meals we love to enjoy together and forget that we are adults, we are so carried away by the challenges we face that we often don't notice the ones we pledged our love to.

I suppose after God and life, our partners should be our outmost priority in life, we shouldn't allow kids come in between us, because these kids will someday go their way and we will be left with our spouses, others allow materialism to be cloud their thoughts form their relationship and then the whole essence is defeated.

The Challenges are much, I can understand, yet Its proven that couples who stay together in love live longer and healthier in life.

Please love your Sweetheart while you have the opportunity, you never know what tomorrow will bring or take away, each passing moments is an opportunity to make ammend and reignite the passion that was once aflamed.

We know we all can't be romantic, sensual and accurate but we can be conscious and stop taking for granted what we prayed about and longed for.

Love is really all that matters because everyone comes into this world with nothing other than love and leaves with nothing other than love.
Think about this, professions , careers, bank account, our goods are just tools, nothing stay here forever but love

Love those that really love you , love , as if there was nothing more important in your life, love without rewards and never stop loving, it's even the bedrock of our salvation.

Love is a verb and action word and loving too is a continuous word, we all keep learning as long as life has us., no one came from heaven knowing how to do everything instantly on earth, everything we do we learnt here and keep learning till death.

Make sure you spread the love this month, smile at someone daily, extend the hand of fellowship, grant a request and help a soul in indeed, these are the realities of love we can easily do and we won't regert them.

Vivsravine speaks 

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