I saw a video recently that was showing various life's stages and the joys and wars it brings.

Friendzone, single, in a relationship, engaged, married, separated, divorced, widowed and not interested, these and even many others not listed therein.

Life comes with these inevitable stages and we either choose to live by them or they blow us out with its challenges or wars, yet these life stages also have its benefits and joy, as they come, take them and live by them.

Many times we are told to accept the things we can't control and manage the things we can't change, if we must live by the rules of life before us.

Life is a battle, the world is your arena, to face the darkness the world brings, you must be pure in your heart to overcome the fears and its challenges as they come.

In all these stages, learn not to do anything hastily, else you will have yourself to blame, an ideal is the most precious yearning and zeal in life.

Someone once said "do not for one setback, give up on the purpose that you resolve to effect, honestly, there is no chance, no fate, no destiny that can hinder the resolution of a determined soul.

Don't just dream just be your dream, rather recall that dreams are one of those things that keeps you going no matter the stage in which you are, know that memories are wonderful things if you don't have to live in the past.

Keep your hope alive and never lose your faith, live life with all diligence and decode your epic story, honestly, life doesn't get easier, you get stronger or weaker. The choice is yours to play, indeed play your role and do what has to be done. 

Knowing this piece, people cry not just because they are weak and feeble but because they have been strong enough for too long that it hurts badly. 

Titles, status, fame and glory isn't what we look up to but courage is what assures us for a difference, it's not who you are underneath but what you do that defines you.,we function to live, not just to exist. 

If you are not courageous enough, no one will support you, beauty is all around but you have to open your eyes to see, the difference in winning and losing is often not quitting on life's stages, as there is no key to happiness, the door is always open to those who desire to come in. 

Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics can be messed up, we all have our stories to share, the pains and the joy there in, yet, its only the courageous who knows how to explain the process life stages brings to them. 

Vivsravine speaks 


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