I was on a chat recently with this big brother of mine and we got talking extensively, we talked about why Christians should stop making it look like God is only for them and other people who aren't Christian can't have access to God.

There are so many people in the world, who seeks God in various ways and methods and as such they can't limit God only to themselves.

Muslims to the Arabs, Hindu to the Indians, Judaism to the Jews, Buddhist to the Chinese, Olisa chineke to the Igbos, Oluwa to the yorubas, Ubagiji to the hausas, etc.

We have so many traditional worshippers, atheist, marine worshippers, various religion of the world so unlimited to count, yet everyone of them claims to seek God, know God and serving God in their own way.

It's so sad, religion has caused alot in our present day life, Let's respect other people's belief system, stop assuming that the way you serve God is the best way, rather just believe that there is God and everyone has a way to reach him.

You wonder why we have so many churches, yet we all claim to know Christ and seek him yet our doctrines are different, its so sad to know that catholics won't accept the way other pentecostals worship, jehovah witness considers other Christians as alien, oh, what do we say of other orthodox churches with the new generation churches, don't dare see them when they argue about christendom.

I often wonder if its not the same heaven we are talking about even though we have different doctrines, it's high time we understand that God is too big and migth to be served in just one way hence why we have various religion on how to seek him.

Do you also know that, we have different types of Muslim, sharia, shittes, jidahist etc, yet they all claim to worship the same Allah, the only difference here is the belief system.

God is too migth to serve him in one way, know this and know peace, stop making it look like heaven is made for your church members alone or just for a set of people,rather, allow God to exhibit his judgement on all.

Catholics honour Mary, Jehovah witness can't accept blood transfusion, deeper lifers believes others will go to hell for wearing trousers, sabbath maintains holy day as Saturday, pentecostals say you must be born again, oh, all traditional worshippers have automatic ticket to hell they say, Buddhist, Jews, Hindus and all others won't see God, ha, why are we quick to judge and assume?

God layed in our hearts the will to either do the good things or the bad things, he can't force you to do anything, even though his God and that's why on the day of judgment he will judge us all based on our conscience.

Vivsravine speaks 

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