Let me start by defining violence as an action which causes destruction, pain, or suffering.

Ideally, we try to avoid violence in resolving conflicts but oh not with a particular video I saw where a man brutally reduces his wife to an inanimate tool, the battering was so gruesome to watch, I wept. 

He practically, naked her and went ahead to drag her on the coarse grounds with rocky stones and all kinds of harmful objects, of course he didn't consider the fact that she would sustain lots of injuries. 

Another painful video was also seen in a living room where the man was hitting his wife so hard with their baby lying so close, he used his hand to fling the baby aside, the mother screamed like her life depends on the child. 

Why do we choose to resolve our differences with violence? 

What has stopped the place of communal dialogue? 

Why don't we take out time to know why the other person behaves differently? 

Why are we so quick to slander and render insults that are so distasteful? 

What has taken the place of patience and peace and replaced it with desperation and fury? 

It's so sad that we now hear drums of war between couples, endless sarcasm, rage so hateful to kill and painful situations we wished was averted, children now see how their mothers wailed in regret, they hear all she rants in worries and wonder why she has turned to a crying machine. 

The days when we respected our union for the sake of our personal integrity. 

The days when we remembered the son or daughter of whom we are. 

The days when we don't raise our voice so that we won't be heard even when we are angry. 

The days when we accepted our faults and tried to make amends instantly. 

The days when we chose to send flowers, letters and pay visits to apologise for being badly behaved. 

You don't hit a woman because she is feeble, you don't hit her because you consider her your subject, you don't hit her because she offended you, you don't hit her because you have enough man's strength over her. 

To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, she might endure the pains and still stick with you for the sake of her children but you will never get her love again, often times those who become so frustrated go the extra mile to end it all, they either poison their spouses or result to fighting back to defend themselves and when these happens, they resolve to kill themselves in the act and where does that leave the children? 

I have seen situations where family members join hands to beat up a man or woman in their matrimonial home because he or she misbehaved, some families now instigate fights and careless about couples reconciling, many go ahead to threaten divorce on behalf of their own brother or sister involved. 

Its high time we look inward and make amends, there is a lot of vice going on in your world today, young men grow up to become impatient, hateful, excessively promiscuous any full of rage at the slightest provocations, these are some things they saw happen in their families. 

Some young women now insult the living hell on their spouses, they go out of their way to become a general tampon because they don't know how to manage their homes, most of these things was what they saw their mothers do. 

Our society is degenerating into so many undespeckable norm, which in turn will affect us all some day soon 

Vivsravine speaks

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