The realities are within us and its so clear that we are at the mercy of what we believe in to help us all get away form this wickedness in our times.

A Certain man, lured two young boys between 11 and 13 to help him carry some load in a near by provision store and promised to give them each one thousand naira each.

Now one of these boys was sent on an errand by the sick mum before he met this dubious man on his way, for whatsoever reasons he didn't decline the offer of cause because of the monetary value, he forgot about the errand and followed the stranger, when the two boys got to the shop, the man bought goods worth 70, 000 and told the shop owner to let his children stay in his shop while he withdraws money to bring to him and then carted away with the goods.

Now, the shop owner waited for this man's return and he was no where to be found, he then asked the two boys if they know the man, both of them said yes, funny enough they remained there untill evening, untill when their folks started looking for them.

When they eventually saw them, the shop owner insisted that he won't let the boys go untill he has collected his  complete money.

Trouble ensued, it was at this point that the spell casted on both boys and even the shop owner disappeared from there reasoning, meanwhile the man is gone, the parents of these boys had to pay for a goods they never bought.

Again, a certain young man approached a lady at a POS stand to transfer money so she could give him the equivalent, he kept asking the lady if she has received the transfer, but she kept saying no, that its her boss that receives transfer alert and when he does he will call her to inform her.

Several minutes passed yet no trace of the money transferred, so the young man insisted that she puts a call across to her boss so that he can speak to him directly, which she did, while the lady was busy attending to other customers, the young man pretended to still be talking to her boss and succeeded in changing her boss's number to his own number and later gave the phone to the lady and promised to come back later.

After 30 minuues, he came back and asked the lady if she has received the alert for the transfer and she said yes, meanwhile, when he stepped out for 30 minutes, he sent a text to that number which he saved with his own name on the lady's phone as her boss , telling her that he has received the credit alert and also instructed her to transfer some certain amount of money to the account numbers he sent as text.

She didn't need to call the number again to comfirm since she saw that the boss already sent a text, she did as instructed and gave the man the money he claimed he transferred and we know the rest of the story, when they found out excatly what happened at the close of business it was regerts and pain all the way.

We have seen situations where, some one seated beside you on a bus or airplane, some even happens at the bus stop, they ask that you help them take care of their kids, bags or even less important wares only to abscond from a situation that would implicate them and rather tarnish your own reputation for trying to be a nice person.

Our world is full of evil and the wickedness keeps increasing daily, ever nook and cranny you hear or look into there is one bad news lurking around, hence its adviced we all pray, be conscious and learn to open up the ill of the society so that others can learn from it.

Vivsravine speaks 


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