Hmm, I still find it so shocking to write about this, based on the most recent news about 4 boys who killed a young lady of about 20 years for money ritual.

It's so sad that we failed ourselves, parents, guidance, religious bodies, government, celebrities, entertainment bodies,security agents, politicians and all the general public involved.

Its still baffles me on how can teenagers between age 17 to 19 could have such thoughts and also implement their hellious mindset in the name of making quick money.

These days all we hear from religious bodies is on prosperity and enlargement and increase , when you enter such edifice, 70 percent of what happens on such occasions is more of money and how to increase the account of the church and most prayers are centered on wealth and prosperity.

Why won't such lads be drawn to the fact that money rules the world even in the church, money makes noise, collections are so endless, one project or the other and yet, we hardly hear of good living, salvation messages and morality.

Back home, a child comes back with something a parent didn't give their kids yet they just side line the reality, they start stealing little things and they just chose to ignore and pamper these kids.

Gone are the days when, you are been checked for everything and anything you do, you say excatly what happened in school and who you had encounter with, the days when we fear to ever lie,  days when we are been punished massively for misbaving, days when the side eye your mother looks at you makes you readjust the nonsence you are doing immediately.

Artistes now sing songs that promotes only quick access to wealth, where are the songs that project hard works and patience even dignity in labor, now all we hear is how to woo a woman, make more money and most times they display these acts by throwing money around even in their videos with naked women dancing.

Our entertainment industry is even worst and they are not setting standard at all, they are always seen making films that promotes quick access to making money, their films are centered on ritual and sacrifice of human beings in that context to hasten riches.

How about politicians and government personnel who lives so lavishly in the names of enjoying the national cake, you need to see  how they spend money without worry of where the next one is coming from because they are certain that the well never runs dry.

How do we slove these issues that generates lots of concern, its a big shame on eveyone concerned, where is the morals that made us wait in patience and dignity, where is the perseverance we adhere to so keenly knowing that we will reach our goals someday, now you ask where is tolerance that allows us to accept all situations we face as temporary.

Make out time to ask them questions
Know who they hang out with
Know what they are doing when they are together.
Trail them and make your findings especially when you notice some suspicious.
Don't take no for an answer, don't assume any, don't accept silence attitude.
Check their belongings, show up in school without informing them.
Wake them up in the middle of the nigth to pray with them and admonish them.
Dont pamper their bad behaviours, scold them when they are faulty and, appreciate them when they are doing well.
Be the exemples you want to see in them and project ligth to them always.
Be there for them when they need you,

We all need to look inward and return back to the days where morality is accessed and praised, days where we are rewarded with reference for standing tall admits all trials of life.

Vivsravine speaks 

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