Dear social media users, 

I hope this piece meets you well, take this as an updated reminder and be very conscious about it, honestly it should be kept in your entire being. 

It has really come to my notice that a lot of these users take an opinion of others as an avenue to insult people, what i don't understand is the fact that when someone makes an opinion either contrary to a post or in support to a post, it is not and enough reason to either bully them or insults them for airing their thoughts. 

Oftentimes the kind and type of insults and abuses you get is so annoying, you wonder if they know themselves before now and possibly if they have had a fight in their previous lives. 

Again, let's learn to mind our business, if you aren't tagged, mentioned and no link to your personal identity, don't attack anyone's post or comments, it's so absurd how most adults lose their respect because they meddle words on subjects that isn't their concern 

The social media handles we all use is an interface to express our thoughts and opinions, if someone's post doesn't argue well with yours it's not the time to insult the fellow. 

We mustn't all agree at the same time, we mustn't all have the same views, seeing things differently is the main reason why we are human and diverse in nature, appreciate opinions no matter how silly, it might expose you to learn something new. 

There are words so humiliating, most especially when a man has any kind of disagreement with a lady on a post, they are quick to call her a prostitute and when a woman has a fuss with a man, they call him a thief, i still can't fathom why, these are people who haven't seen themselves and might never see ever. 

If a post isn't your business to comment, skip or scroll along, if you want to come on a topic, do so with all sincerity and move on, like an institution, the social media platforms is wide and accommodates diverse set of people, race, mindset, professions, culture and beliefs, so while you are here be on your best behavior because you never know who is watching. 

Finally, I crave your indulgence on this, when you have a fuss with someone it's better you stop commenting or you block the person if you can't handle the spill, often times most people will sync your person based on what you have on your wall and come back to use your own words against you, if you decide to give them back their own coins they will still call you names. 

In a world full of unlimited events and activated mindset, know that you can't always be right and you can't always be wrong either. Just be yourself and project who you really are, don't allow people's mentality to outshine the real you. 

Watch your actions here, be mindful of your words and mind your business if you know it will erupt into abuse, just avoid such posts, if you know the way anyone would address you isn't going to be what you like then learn to avoid what will trigger it. 

It's high time we learn to use our heads on social media and stop playing games with people's opinions just because we feel we know how to talk them down or because we feel we are well placed, if you go ahead to insults or abuse someone on this media be ready to take and receive your own dose of it too in quantum. 

Vivsravine speaks 


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