No matter how paired we are, we still sleep lonely and so inevitable as it seems, you can't be everything in one.

Admits all suffering and pains, we are expected to respond to the pains of others and that is the best way to live in an uncertain world.

Restoring dignity of human lives and identify with the suffering of others, this the basic and purpose of our existence

Don't ask why we suffer, rather do something and  be impactul about the needs of others, adhere to a standard, which is to touch lives more positively

Every difficulty situations presents its self opportunity for us to intervene in the pains of other and lighten their burdens.

We are expected to use our talents, treasure and time to the needs of those around us and be instrument of change and a blessing to those who can't reward us.

Many hope on us to get liberty and rest, many can't reach out to us because we have failed to notice them with our high class life and pride infested attitude.

Indeed life is nothing in its realities, no matter how much we envisage, we are truly needed to reach out and affect souls in a more dignifying ways.

Let's be the ligth that lightens the path of those who are in darkness of pain, poverty, loneliness and rejection of all sorts.

He raised the hands of the bedridden, extended his care to those we are hungry and those in bondage, cast out demonised persons and even rose the dead, at each time Jesus reached out and responded to the needs and pains of many.

Our little efforts towards the suffering and concerns of those who can't pay us can't be out ruled, we are previledged to be blessed to extend our hands of fellowship to others.

Life is a message, pass it on, life is a reversal phase, there is no need holding unto life for nothing, do your best to keep the furnace of love and dignity of human lives burning.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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