Concerning Individual differences, we all mustn't be the same, truly our differences makes us anticipate and wait for the next moves, so unpredictable it is, yet loving to behold.
That someone is low or high does not make them more matured than the other.
There is no yardstick to these things.
A woman is pregnant and shows off baby bumps and still has her baby safe and sound, another hides it all through and still loses the baby, just go with what works for you.
I agree with you, our times are bad and its so necessary to pipe low yet you can't control adults who deem it fit for what they desire.
Just like LGTB(lesbianism, gay, transgender, bisexuality) abnormally. I won't and can't support that insanity yet l can't stop those who are indulging, why, because they are adults and so know that what they are doing is wrong, yet l can only say mine and leave the judgement for God
Its high time we respect people's opinions, views, suggestions and way of life, none is perfect high or low, loud or quite, just be yourself.
Just be yourself in a world full of uncertainties, triky salvation is a more personal race, we are only expected to make efforts in winning souls to the paths of sanity and everlasting bliss but it can't be enforced.
You can't be paul to satisfy everyone, just be the best version of your self and seek to remain better.
High or low, quite or loud, we are unique and that's one thing that makes the world habitable, interesting and welcoming.
We all can't be same species, the world would be so boring, so stop castigating other people because they are not acting like you do, allow people to be themselves and make their own unique mistakes
Never live your life to please people, no matter how hard you try to please them, they will still have negative things to say about you, just be yourself.
Vivsravine speaks
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