Put your head on a skill not a shoulder and make money not one stupid challenge that will rubbish your future in the end.

It's so sad with the recent bubuhagie that is parading all social media handles in the name of a naked challenge called silhouette.

I wonder how stupid and dumb many have become just because they want to trend and they sell their future and souls to thw Internet and forget so soon that the Internet never forgets.

There are various types of innovations that are really mind blowing, yet there are dirty and stupid ones too that are deminating and dehumanising.

Some one wakes up, conceives from his dubious mind  to create an app that stripes you naked from the comfort of your home and the world watches you from the comfort of their phones.

Let me ask, are you truly sane? This question ought to be asked because many are so carried away by what the Internet sells and gives to them at the platter of gold.

People hardly stops to have a rethink before indulging in things happening online, we easily click on all click-ables and we feel we can access anything with a hitch.

Where is your morals and values, have we truly lost our sence of dignity and integrity, discipline and control is only for the old and mundane inclined.

The tears are so much to weep,, this generation is so vulnerable that we wonder what the next would do and the thoughts of how will they act is really a major nut to crack.

The future holds a lot if we all make our present clean and free from all insane and dubious acts, the effect of every action can never be forgone and as such we should watch the things we do now.

We can't control all, we can't instruct them yet we  can say no to a challenge that is tarnishing by not indulging, it takes a lot of maturity and sence of judgement to discern what is rigth in a world full of wrongs.

You mustn't be a partaker to all that is happening on the Internet, seek wisdom to be different and dare to stand alone for what you know is honorable, true, pure, rigth and indeed holy

Then I asked, after this challenge, what's next, you have finally exposed your self to the world, well you would tell me, its for adults and so what?

How comfortable would you watch your own children do the same when they are of age,  apart from moral deficiencies in your world today, stop promoting devilish and wicked activities, they fetch nothing in the end.

Vivsravine speaks 


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