Learn to be contended with what you have, greed takes all you have and even more.
The ability to remain satisfied in a world full of incompleteness, greedy and envy is the best thing that can happen to you in recent times
Many has lost stable relationships, good business opportunities, great friendships, good jobs, strong alliance and great souls because they allowed greed, unsatisfied mindset and envy ruin them.
The world is full of selfish individuals, who all they want is to be better than others by all means negative and dubious ways
No one cares about the impact and feelings of others, we all want to be ahead of others, take advantage of those who can't afford to leverage with us.
We are easily projected with massive incomes, wonderful projects, gigantic opportunities and even want everything good to be traced to us alone.
What is the fate of those who can lobby like us? What happens to those who can't provide the means like us? What is the state of those who are affected with our assets and connections?
Its high time we keep self on the low and pave way for those who can't reward us, for those who can't pay us and for those who truly need the things we don't even use.
So many things we owe and we don't use, many of them wastes away while someone somewhere would have made good use of them.
Let's learn to change our attitude towards materialistic and perishable things that ruins the soul eventually and make due with virtues that are rewarding, like love, charity, peace, hope, self control, faith and good will.
If each and everyone of us adopts just one great virtue, the world would be very habitable and better for everyone.
Vivsravine speaks
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