Father sincerely I want to leave the church, she says

Then the Reverend father asked why.

She continued, there is a lot going on in the church and I am not comfortable with it.

Again, the reverend father asked why and what are her reasons.

She listed the following below :
*our members gossip alot
*many are pretenders
*there is a cold war amongst members
*the backbiting is endless
*unseen atrocities unlimited to mention

For these and so many more reasons, I want to leave the holy roman Catholic Church, she says.

The reverend father having listened attentively, says to her, is that all, he asked

Certainly father, she says.

Then the reverend father looked keenly at her and said to her.

I have one assignment for you before you finally leave, can you do that for me please, he requested

She was glad to hear.

The reverend father asked her to get a glass, a bottle of water, then go to the alter ans make sure she fills the glass without a drop falling from the bottle or the glass.

She got the items and did excatly what the reverend said while he was busying attending to other matters.

When she was done, she beckoned at him and told him she didn't allow a single drop off while she was pouring the water.

Then the reverend father, told her, if and when you come to church, you decide to listen to hear say, get distracted by what people do and how they behave, you indulge in tarnishing others image and get distracted by what happens around you and then neglect your faith and refuse to focus on the person of Christ, then you will definatly see reasons to leave the church.

He continued, as long as we are human beings with different backgrounds and orientation, we don't have saints living in the church rather we hv sinners who come to church to become better and aa such you would see a lot in church.

Finally, he says, the next church you shall be visiting too will have similar issues, so how long would you love to jump from one place to the other looking for perfect saints in church, even you are not better of.

She became cold and concurred with the reverend father, thanked and asked to be prayed for.

Many a time we are attracted to the things around us that we forget why we are here, we are so engrossed to what is happening that we loss focus of our aims, hence we are full of excuses.

Apart from faith, we can also relate this scenario to other aspect of our lives .

A couple who is always at logger heads, who fights at every slightest provocation, makes you wonder if love ever existed between them, honestly love isn't enough in marriage, there is more to a relationship than what we see today.

The secret of love is perseverance, marriage is easy but living the life is the hardest, understanding is the solution to all marital issues

In your misunderstanding,it will help you both to understand each other better because you both came from different backgrounds and  orientations,

Getting to the root and staying focused on your goals enables you to aviod life distractions and stick to what matters most.

Vivsravine speaks 


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