Don't chase, don't beg, don't stress, dont be desperate,just relax, when you relax it will come to you, make your wants wait and defiantly they will come without stress .

Do your very best
U can't have it all
U can't finish it all
Leave the rest for God, "uwa bu ofu mbia"

We have all failed ourselves,its so hard to trust a fellow , the bad ones has made the very good ones sink in wonder and hide in their shells.

Don't ever live to impress anyone  if you must must anyone, impress yourself and seek for God's approval..kabish?

Happiness is free keep it real..
Don't stress over what it's not..
More so sadness is free, its your choice to make

When you have got the chance to laugh , please do
When you have got your chance to smile, please do
When you have got to cry, please cry it all out, it takes away pains.
When you have got the time to shout, please shout, you will cool off sooner.
When you have got to be alone, please enjoy your space

Life has many phases,so many that comes our way..

The good.
The bad.
The ugly.
The sweet.
The hard.
The wonders.

Here it comes, I have chosen to be the best I can be in all the phases life puts in.

Being poor , single , entangled, lonely ,rich etc is a condtion not a DESTINY because I am on the path way of greatness that your human brain can't quantify , my yesterday can't stop my tomorrow.

Recall that out of my mess came my messsage , out of my troubles came my trials and triumpant stories.

God does not look at my faults , but my destiny , I may not be infront but my product speaks for me, I am destined for greatness, watch me, I am work in divine progress .

Vivsravine speaks 


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