Sometimes, we allow some form of annoying attitude because we want to feel loved and stay at peace with people or better still be called good names.

For a woman who pampers a child to the extent of the child misbehaving even to her detriments would one day have her self to blame because such child would be a probelm to the society at large.

It's bethe to curtail the excesses of the child within and reprimand him of his faults, possibly punish him for acting awkwardly then harboring his faults so as to be called a good mother or avoiding others to correct him while he can still be managed.

This same scenario can be applied to when a woman gets a gift for a man, ordinarily an average woman loves to look good, admit al race, color or background, she is wired to look nice, she can do anything to enhance her beauty, so in this regard when a woman sacrifices her needs to meet to your desire, that woman truly loves you.

Don't her love for granted, if she loves you and you keep misbehaving, some day soon she would spill out her vexation against you, then you would hear about all the things she has harboured over a long period of time.

Many loss good relationships because of their attitude and approach to life issues and when such good people walk away, they never come back because they found a better place with your absence than staying with your presence in faustration.

It takes time to truly love, the sacrifices are much, its a bunch of commitment and it entails giving one's self away for the good of others, if and when we find such people around us better we nurture them and grow with them.

To get the best part of others , it's highy necessary we work on ourselves for us to get others to change for better.

Shun all forms of negative vice being propelled from others and even amongst ourselves, so we can build a better and rewarding society for the benefit of all

Vivsravine speaks


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