I have seen a lot of things fall out of place and most of the time we listen to what people will say about our situations and this singular act makes us forget ourselves and then we harbor what they said about us and then live in their world. 

That you are married and have kids is not enough reason for you to dress haggard and look like the world is against you, many looked so attractive before they got married, but because they now have a family they easily forget themselves and act and look very unkept. 

I have seen many couple who don't have kids of their own yet, they treat other people's children like trash, that you don't have children of your own is more than enough reason to treat them well, rather what we see these days is that they act out of faustration and pour their depression on these innocent children 

Life facts, we all can't and won't go to higher institutions of learning, our destinies are different, some dropped out, some never attempted, some did but life situation brought them to a halt, don't feel discarded because you didn't finish a part of your life, be happy where you find yourself and make good use of it. 

Pratically, everyone wants to see the other parts of this world in our life's time, so many who have achieved this phase of life would intensionally or unintentionally affect the lives of those who have never been opportuned to travel, these worried individuals see themselves as a failure and get carried away by this phase of life, wait for it, if its meant to be, some day you will find yourself there. 

Many singles have also given up on themselves probably because of bad relationships in the past or regrets they find difficult to let go, many of these people live in perpetual pain, they find it so hard to take care of themselves, they look older than their age mates, they find nothing attractive in themselves any, more let alone appreciating others, stop being hard on yourself, there is still hope, be your best always, 

To you who just survived life's blows,to you who the world have given up on, to whom the world has castigated and left to wonder in fear and pain, don't give up, there is ligth at the end of the tunnel, after the darkest part of the nigth comes a shinning light. 

That your business is down, be your best 

That you are stranded, be your best 

That your life is on hold be your best

That you are still expecting, be your best

That life has happened to you, be your best 

That you are not where you are supposed to be now, be your best 

That things are not working out, be your best 

Many wants or expects you to look like what you have been through, don't give them that thought.. BE YOUR BEST 

Vivsravine speaks 


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