Excuse you, I put this to you love fluctuates, know this and know peace.

Often times we wonder why is our partners behaving absurd, you can't tell exactly why they are acting up and no matter how much you give in to make it rigth it ends up negatively.

You wonder why some one you were so much in love with now sees you like trash and often times there are some reasons why you can't explain the hate.

Well situations prompts why people either allow their love to blossom or fade away, but be reminded that love is like a moving flag it comes and goes and when it's finally no more, it is pulled down.

Have you wondered how a beautiful couple full of love for each other at a piont are both filing for divorce?

Let me tell you why, its either because one of them was pretending, or the other can't take the pains therein or because they allow distractions into their union.

There are no two ways to love, you either love some one completely and set them free, when you truly love someone one they automatically become your priority, anything less isn't love.

Heart breaks comes as a result of insincerity, pretence, insecurity, dishonestly and perpetual lies, love isn't found in these vices.

When you start experiencing such in your relationship then be guided or fall off because it's heading to ruins.

We have seen partners who started well, indulged in various sacrifice to keep their union going but the allowed little nothings, distractions and hide and seek soil what they have built.

Love isn't rocket science, love too isn't magical, love is a hard sacrifice, it entails giving out your whole self to another even at the detriment of your own life and when people don't live to this, there becomes a heart break.

Go out there and work on your relationship, disconnect from all forms of distractions that negatively influence your union and cause your love for your partner to fluctuate like a pendulum rather let your love rise, like the boiling point of water and keep it there.

Vivsravine speaks 


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