Indeed, its

said that when we appreciate little things, bigger things would come our way.

More so, give honour to whom it deserves, I don't take them for granted. 

Its always my usual routine to appreciate and thank those who tremendously impacted in my life during the year and even over the years that have reminded consistent and resilient.

To my family, I will always thank God for allowing our paths to cross in a lifetime, thank you all for your prayers, goodwill and support most especially my brother Michael Ubasinachi Oparah , my twinny Olisa gozie gi. 

To a blood, who is greater than a brother, a friend and even a lover of good things , bro Oguchi Charles Onyekuru, when one looks for a support, indeed you are one helper and angel God sent to liberate mankind from pains, your support in all aspect of life can never ever be forgotten till I kpe, God bless you more for all you do and may he meet you at the very piont when you need him most.

To my boss, Mr. Dele Dare , a selfless Muslim that taught me what generosity is all about, I hold you to high esteem, God alone would keep replenishing you for life.

To a friend in whom another good friend introduced me to, Mr Greg Obiekwe , you are the real face of "bring smiles" I pray for you and with you, for all you did for us in this year will never go unrewarded.

To you my dearest Jacinta Chinenye Jecinta, I gave up on some ladies I call friends so many years ago but your coming along made it look so real, I never believed that great souls still exists, oh your sumptuous meals I eat, your piece of advice and indeed you are a care giver, I love your family to a pulp, God bless you my black beauty with heavenly brains, Abuja was so memorable because of you my partner in... (fill in the gaps)

Eno Nzeh , at first when I met you, I knew why you are different, oh we waited to enjoy your meal and your advice is always topnotch, I respect and applaud all your efforts, indeed it will never go unrewarded, God bless you immediately. 

Hmm, permit me to call you, my friend and my name sakey father of many repute,  Okafor Ephraim, a friend indeed, I dab to your consistency and prayers offered for us, your words of admonishment can't be forgotten, indeed I dedicate a song to you, eyi ka nwanne. 

 Godwin Tawo, great soul, best chosen amongst all, you knew how it all started, and so you stood all the way and your words resounds like an echo in a space, thank you for all you do. 

To you, a sister sweeter than a friend, Clementina Okafor, your family welcomed me in a time I  needed an elder sister, wow, am so proud to call you my sponsor some day soon, I can't love you less, for all your prayers and support, the gifts are always soothing, many thanks for all you have done. 

To you bro Fredrick Bibiresanmi , gentle but one of the greatest soul I have met in a lifetime, in the last 10 years of my life, there is no week you don't send me recharge card, I never ask yet you keep doing it, you help my family restore electrical issues in the years at no cost, what a man, God bless you everly. 

Least I forgot, Oh my buddies in YCW , Chucks Ndubuaku Genevieve Chiamaka Anaeke, Valentine Buchi, you guys so made my stay in ycw very beautiful, love you all.

Here, I save the last for the best, to you Best Influence, even if I lose my sence of sanity, nobody can play the story to me, because its part of my life now, August 15th marked an important day in my life and despite all the challenges life sets before us, I appreciate all therein, the blessings of the later shall be greater than the former, God bless my 10% pain and 90% joy giver. 

Finally to you all who have one way or the other prayed for me, God meet you at the point of your needs and your expectations in 2022 won't be cut short in Jesus name.. Amen 

And to those who all they do is to derive joy in causing pains, betrayal and Wickedness, I pray that God will open the eyes of your mind to see better that life is too short to remain wicked, I forgive you all and pray you repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. 

If I offended you in 2021, sorry, am totally human striving to be better, I still need your prayers too. 

2022 is going to be double double of abundance for us all.. 

Thank you all.

Above all.. To the one who never sleeps but grants us sleep all through 2021..Olisa mmamma otito dirigi.


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