I heard a story about a man who was extremely hungry, he went into a restaurant and sat, called the waiter and told him he has no money to buy food but he was very hungry,the waiter brought the menu and asked him to chose from the list, he again made it clear to the waiter that he has no money, again the waiter insisted that he chose from the list and he did and the waiter brought the food
Some people at the restaurant saw what he did and decided to pay for the man, the waiter declined the offer and said he will pay instead from his pocket and the customers were amazed.
Beautiful gesture indeed, at every moment we have a choice on how we can respond to humanity each time it beckons.
I love stories like this. I get it, it doesn’t hit the national news often and when it does, it sounds like ‘the exception’. I contend that this happens much more often and people either miss it, overlook it, or worse- dismiss it (cynically) as a gimmick or effort of self-promotion.
Grace is around us everyday. We just need to recognize it and communicate it more frequently,compassion is always beautiful and it goes a longer way in rewarding if its not now but it will certainly happen.
There are good people in this world we just don’t hear enough of it, many a time social media only portrays the negative things that happens in our society and hence we are glued to its vices that we forget that the good virtues are still around us to emulate.
Whatever you do for the least of these, you do it for me.,scripturally quoted, one of the hardest things to do is admit you need help and reach out to people you feel you are better of than to assist you, the giver receives more than the receiver because the sacrifice of letting go is greater receiving.
I wish the whole world was as good to everyone, certainly we won't have wickedness in our world, we won't have violence and strife, indeed we can always leave the world better than we met it, we need to celebrate more stores like these, of a fact these are the true heroes - not the people going into space.
No matter how little, just try and impact the people around, target those whom you feel you are better of, people whom you know needs the help and extend the hand of fellowship to them, it's worth the while.
Vivsravine speaks
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