Many wonders of the mind comes with great shock and it leaves you to imagine the things you can't fathom, most especially when it comes from a close ally.

Trust me, there are people who just get angry with your presence even when you have done them no wrong.

These kind of people are closer to you and if you can ever read their minds or have confrontations with them you would fear humans, as to the things they have done against you and even said to tarnish your person.

Recall this, Jesus didn't please everyone, even though he did them no wrong, for the fact that your life pleases you, they get irritated by your progress that it isn't deterring theirs, they find ways to indict you and cause you untold pains, but don't be dismayed, your speed will shock them.

I have seen household enemies who possess to stand in the way of your lifting, they appear so angelic but they have sold you out and waiting for you to make a mistake just to laugh at you.

Keep surprising them with your humility and pureness of heart, hold no sin against them and flourish where they expect you to fail, stand strong where they want you to cry and wait for God to give them an answer of blessing for all the atrocities they have caused you.

There are many battles you face without them knowing the pains you go through, they mock you because they can't access you and wait for your downfall because they know you are greater than them.

Such elements don't have a bloodline with you, even if you are related by blood, disconnect from them and excel.

Know this and know peace, their absence won't make any difference since their presence didn't add any value to you, rather they stole from you and caused you pains, so disassociate from them to liberate yourself from the negative energies they are consumed with, therefore LET THEM GO

Strive to be better and better daily, don't dwell in their past, move on to heal and uphold your head high, excel and keep moving forward, breaking ever jinx they feel you can't survive and jump the hurdles they set before you, in all you do be determined to be better than where they left you and give them a massive come back they can't ignore.

Vivsravine speaks 


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