We speak wisely but act foolishly

Like a signpost that shows a pointer to where we are going but will never follow us to where we are going

That is how most of us are, showcasing our generosity doesn't reduce or increase God rather it helps the poor and make them pray for us then God alone rewards us

There are so many whose life are like a trophy, they showcase everything and deeds around then to gain fame and accolades from people for an act that should have been secretly executed.

We live in a society where fame speaks louder than kindness and selflessness, a society where everyone at the herms of affairs wants to be relevant because of a position they occupy.

Sacrifice isn't the order of the day but selfishness and self centeredness, the podium is there to sing praises of her gullible achievement and not the pains of our people.

Now you watch them speak so wisely but act so foolishly because all they say is just opposite of what they intend to implement, like the serpent so cunny and distasteful.

Be holy be fit he says but how can we truly impact souls if we fail to adhere to the realities of being holy and being fit to carry out the mandate of selflessness for a better impact that save souls.

Let us all learn to watch out for each other and consider them better than us, it's not inferiority complex, rather it only goes to bring out the humane spirit in you to go out and do more for your neighbours through your actions and not your words. 


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