Okay let's all pretend we are married and we were all asked to share the success and failures of our marriage, oh I can imagine we won't go home that day.

So many remember their anniversary and say sweet and beautiful things about their union while some wished that date never existed.

Take a poll online use a vibrant group and make a  post about marital joy and pains, am very certain that the poll will end with alot of anonymous coming inbox to share their pains so that no one links them with what they are suffering in marriage.

Yet some who are truly enjoying their marriage too will also want to go inbox to share their stories because they are scared of some people using their success stories to wage war against their union.

A woman narrated how her husband invited his concubine's friends to beat her up in her matrimonial home because she complained about his incessant cheating she further expressed her pains as she was backing a 6months baby on the said date while her husband stood and watched, well eventually the three years union ended in divorce.

Let me quickly share this also another lady narrated how her husband of 7 years has stopped sleeping with her in the last 3 years, all efforts to know why proved abortive, she later got to know from their family friend who her husband opened up to, the reason was because the lady lost her elder sister's husband last two years, her immediate elder sister lost her husband last year and since she is the third child of her family the husband assumed that he is next to die hence he believed that his wife's family is cursed..

There was this shocking one I heard of a woman who has been married for over 50 years who filed for divorce because all these years the husband pretended to be dumb but she found out from a video she saw online where her husband was talking fluently.

Yet the tale is endless, but there are still so many who have beautiful testimonials in marriage, we have seen some celebrate 30, 40, 50 and above together and still waxing stronger, yet they have their stories to tell as to how they over came.

So many are really scared to get married because of an unknown future, many take in the challenges and pains of what they see happen in the lives of some married one's and decide to stay unmarried, others just to chose remain unaccountable to anyone and bear no responsibility to another in the name of marriage.

Those who are enjoying their marriage would say all the sweet things about it and make those going through pains in their jealous and wished.

Recently Quan and Rissa had a baby boy even though they aren't married but living together as a couple, Quan got her all the beautiful gifts to usher her into motherhood, these gifts were worth million of dollars, yet you imagine another woman married to this man, who have gone through the knife over 4 to 5 times and she has never received a pin of appreciation for her hubby.

These are the little but significant things that either causes war or bliss in marriage, with such a gesture from Quan to his girlfriend, so many ladies would wish their man did the same but we all can't be the same, there are so many who will love and live all their lives with their partners without a token of appreciation no matter the sacrifices they have done

Vivsravine speaks 


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