There is always this realities you see whenever you come across a couple hand in hand. 

Both deceiving themselves. 

One deceiving the other. 

Both truly into each other without no doubts. 

Both not committed to each other. 

One committed to the other. 

These scenarios are very funny but so true to ignore, so many are living in pretence, others are genuinely involved while some are just in such relationship for benefits they enjoy.

The sad reality is that many divorced couples was once in love or had a fraction of likenness for the other yet they still got separated, it doesn't matter how long they have shared in the relationship, when they are truly tried of each other, the eventually separate.

Behind every couple you come across there is a war between, a sweet laughter and sad reality looming their minds, rather they prefer to either hold in for each other and move ahead or they display displeasure and go their separate ways.

So many who had a happy ever after can tell the story of patience, tolerance, perseverance, commitments, responsibility, ruggedness and faithfulness amongst others. 

Yet those who couldn't make it too had their own fair share of lies, unfaithfulness, cheating, promiscuity, quarrels and figths and so many vices that led to their separate ways eventually

We meet and see loving couples, we pray and hoped ours is same but little did we know about the things we can't see on the inside. 

Everyone has a battle they are fighting, a war they are either winning or losing a hurdle they are climbing and a ladder they are descending.

Let's learn to pray for couples, let's emulate the good virtues they portray and leave out the bad ones. Let's admonish them when they seek our advice and help them in you best possible ways.

 Vivsravine speaks 


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