Okay let's all pretend we are married and we were all asked to share the success and failures of our marriage, oh I can imagine we won't go home that day. So many remember their anniversary and say sweet and beautiful things about their union while some wished that date never existed. Take a poll online use a vibrant group and make a post about marital joy and pains, am very certain that the poll will end with alot of anonymous coming inbox to share their pains so that no one links them with what they are suffering in marriage. Yet some who are truly enjoying their marriage too will also want to go inbox to share their stories because they are scared of some people using their success stories to wage war against their union. A woman narrated how her husband invited his concubine's friends to beat her up in her matrimonial home because she complained about his incessant cheating she further expressed her pains as she was backing a 6months baby on the said date while ...