It hurts me to see how some people grow to be nonchalant in taking care of children.
So many recall how traumatising the ordeal they go through in having children of their own.
Adesuwa and hubby, recently narrated how they went through the process of ivf(intro viral fusion) to make babies and the pains of waiting and being criticised and even bullied.
Its so sad when we see children and babies uncared for and left to wonder like sheep without shepherd's.
Some wicked mothers would have this innocent children and decide to throw them away in the trash to die, while some fathers will either not contribute to their welfare or they even go tothe extent of selling them off.
Recently, I saw a picture online about a missing child, looking at the picture you would see how unkempt the child was, lying on the ground with very dirty clothes and looking so malnutritioned and dejected.
Someone would say "you don't know what you have untill you lose it, many also don't value what they have untill they don't have access to it.
Many wait for many unbearable years to have children, many pass through horrific processes too before they can have children yet some people who have children easily find it so hard to take care of them.
Motherless babies home are places where you could give out children so that they can be taken care of, please explore them if you can't take proper care of them, better still don't go about having babies you can't take care of, honestly, pregnancy should be planned by both parents.
Children are gifts no matter how they came, they are innocent and they need maximum care and attention, they are anxious and adorable, yet they need us all to make their world beautiful, indeed the future we live for are the children we bear and nurture.
Vivsravine speaks
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