Picked a rose from heaven and I gave it to one best influence

The rose wasn't shinning but, the touch of this best influence , made it glow..

This best influence makes even the most hardest things, soft and easy, what love is poured.

I smiled at best influence and blessed the creator for his creation, what an idol, what a soul.

Yes, this best influence is an idol I cant worship but, I can adore because its my heart robber.

Robbers me of my pains and replaces it with endless joy  what best influence indeed

Indeed, if you find best influence , you are almost  close to  worship your idol, that radiates positivity

The bliss this best influence gives, is more than a blessing, eruditely and intellect and a joygiver.

Joygivers only comes from best influence because they are higher than the angels.

Together, me plus best influence , we are unstoppable and we create a force, a bliss.

Bliss of knowing a best influence makes you soar above the heavens even on earth

Earth hear me, best influence is meant for me alone, yes call me selfish, I sure know why I am

Am more than an ocean, faster than the ligth, strong as the  wind because of best influence

Best influence , the name makes you wonder  who, where, how, which!!

Which source brings you immersed joy , mine is best influence , the thought is ravishing

Ravishing to make my heart beat faster, the blade like a sword, oh my best influence.

Best influence, who makes the world go smoothly, the dawn of  new expectations

Expections to blow me off my feet, it keeps me holding on to a soul,best influence

Best influence , teaches you, instructs you, helps you, loves you, protects, you, guides you..

You are my best influence the caregiver, the joy activator, the unlimited muse, the reason...

The reason you fall in love and stay in and wear love and eat love, best influence

Best influence ..A defination
Best influence ..A purpose
Best influence ..A reason
Best influence .. A life time
Best influence .. The one

Any one can be the best influence but truly make sure the person is worth it.

Vivsravine speaks


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