I sat in my corner and watched, the thoughts raced in my mind like iI was on a challenge and I was in fixed to find solutions to my needs. 

I tried to pretend like I was not aware of my mind wars, I decided to look distracted and forget the wars in my mind. 

I paced in my mind, like a simple pendulum I needed answers, now I can't aviod my thoughts anymore, the answers came. 

Taking responsibility entails a lot. I stood out side and watch a few people who have decided to take responsibility of their lives which in turn affects the lives of others too, to be  responsible entails the following :

HARDWORK :When you decide to take responsibility of something, be sure to take the work attached to it, most of the time its hardwork, even if it's the littlest work to do, as long as you have decided to take responsibility, be assured that it's absolutely hardwork. 

SACRIFICE : Hmm, there is no way we can aviod talking about sacrifice, its a whole package, sacrifice is total acceptance and extreme responsibility, it goes to show courage and faith, wit and strength, love and pain, this virtue can't we underrated when it comes to taking responsibility. 

TIME: It is rather too consuming, when responsibility sets in it takes your time, devotion and commitment to actualize your goals, it helps you determine your progress in your crave for set goals. 

DEDICATION :  It is so true that taking responsibility requires absolute dedication, this quest is what drives you towards your goals, make sure you aviod all forms of distractions. 

SELF CONTROL : No matter what comes your way your ability to maintain total sanity and self respect determines how far you can go, your self worth is your integrity and dignity, this virtue is the maker or mares that rules you

Store up this values if you must take up responsibilities and be assured to win big.

Vivsravine speaks © 


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