Life challenges can reduce one healthy, vibrate and lively fellow to become a pack of waste, often times we become what we never prayed for, nor even wished, because we can't explain how life issues subjected us to nothing.

Who won't want a life filled with bliss, a life of glamour and happiness, but most of the time, the reverse is what we get, life is so strange that it doesn't give you the room to ask and it won't not explain to you either. 

Every one you meet has a story to tell, some stories are so bad, while some other stories are just too good to be true, yet some can easily say that life was so unfair to them and a handful of people would rather remain silent and wallow in their space. 

Whatever life gives to us, it's always adviced to "drain the ocean" of our lives, even to the very few we assume life is good to them would have a dark story to tell, I guess thats how life is wired, pain is part of life and no one can ever question it.

How do I drain the oceans of my life, she askes? Is it true that one can truly drain the ocean of life? If truly you could drain the oceans of life, where do you start from? Don't even bother the oceans of life has no end, these and many more questions always comes up when the challenges of life are placed before us.

Truly, no one has it all, no one can do without the other and no one can ever slove all life's issues and again no one can have all the whole life experiences to themselves. Part by part, bit by bit, phase by phase we all share in life and all the bliss and gory it comes with, we are in to partake in it.


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