We are all created in the same way but wired differently, no one has white or gold blood running through their veins , we all have the same red blood, your color,race and tribe doesn't matter ,we all have the same one head and one body what matters most is that we are all human being created in one image.

Life comes with so many issues, everyone is chasing something and some others are being chased, no two persons has the same challenge, it could be similar but yet unique in its own way.

Someone's pepper is another's chilly and spice, someone's pains is another's gain,while some cry, others are making a fortune out of it,we all have a story to tell,either good or bad, life issues can either make you nor mare you.

Recently, we lost a dear sister over a brife illness,pained as we were ,we wished it wasn't so,yet again some few days, we heard of a young lady who took her own life because she was admonished by her folks to live a scandal free life.

Sadly,when I weighted the two scenarios,it goes to show how life takes its turns on us all, where some are fighting for their lives and wishing they have a second Chance to live a day more, some are not appreciative of what they have and feel it's their right to do as they wish.

In life , nothing should ever come in gap between you and what ever life has offered you,no matter how bad you think your situation might be there is someone out there wishing and praying to be you.

The sad reality is that if we could exchange our problems ,many would rather stay with their own wars than to take what you are battling with.

We got to learn how to appreciate the moment and accept what we don't have control over,move with our goals and place life issues where they belong, staying stronger than we met them and never giving in the force to weigh us down.



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