I chose to keep quite about some certain topics but I realised that even if you fail or choose not to talk about them, they will still linger and face you, hence it's rather better to talk about them, free your mind and remain positive.

Suffering and smiling has become the icing on the cake for us here, we have become slaves in our own land, ruled by our own people and suffer pain and unimaginable hardship for a cause we have nothing to do about.

Our liberty is limited, we are captives in our land, we can't express our opinion without been arrested, detained and even jailed, hence we rather wonder as fugitives and remain silenced.

We have vast land, arid and fertile soil but we don't have food because insecurity has stopped our farmers from producing, the moment they go out to make an impact, they are apprehended, kidnapped and even killed, hence we  become hungry in a land with plenty.

We are scared to take a long trip, all because of these same people, when  some are taken, they demand for huge amount of money that even a community can't afford, in situations where such amounts can't be raised, they murder their victims and even sometimes even with the money they have collected, they still go ahead to kill innocent souls, all these atrocities happens in our land.

Tommorow isn't assured,  no one to run to, inflation is the main bone to chew, we can't access the hospitals and afford drugs, many die from what could have been easily afforded but here we are, we live facing all life's challenges alone.

The basic amenities of life is not reachable, the blessing we should be able to share is far from us, we wallow in pain and accept suffering as a way of life, so uncertain is our tomorrow.

We have leaders who are so particular about themselves and family but shows less concern about the groans of the masses, they don't even know we exist but they keep making polices which favours them alone and indulge in life style that are so expensive.

Someday there is going to be a revolution and until then we await in pain and living a life of hope to either make a difference or take back our land.



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