What is good for the goose is also good for the gander. Whatever you do affects your partner positively or negatively, recall that to every action there is an equal and opposition reaction. 

When you keep treating your spouse in a wrong way, be mindful that if they do the same thing you do to them, you will obviously not survive it.

Marriage isn't about competition, rather every one is equal in it, you are the head and she is the neck, hence the need to see that one can't do without the other, so whatever measure you take affects the other.

You can't be married and still enjoy cheating and hiding things form your spouse, the day things will fall apart you will have your self to blame.

If you are in a good marriage, enjoy it and pray it lasts, but if you are in a bad marriage that is unrepairable, please leave, there is more to life than managing what will eventually kill you or take away your peace.

Many, stay in unhealthy marriage because of their kids but the truth is that one can still survive without a spouse who constantly torments you and devalues your person, learn to independently stay alert.

Not all marriage is ordained by God, hence we sometimes makes mistakes in our choice of a life partner, when you realise you are in such, take measures to leave for your own sanity and wellbeing, people would always talk for a while but in the end it is all about you and your future.

Never compromise your well-being for the ignorance, bad attitude and selfish disposition of a spouse who isn't ready to be in your life, who respects other people's decisions over you, who doesn't place you as priority but an option and who is always in competition with you, allow them stay far from you.

Marriage in its beauty should be enjoyed not endured, yes, it comes with it's own challenges but in it make sure you both are in sync with understanding the situation at hand and not one person treating the other as trash for selfish purpose.

In all you do, if it isn't working, if you both aren't ready to compromise, learn and unlearn and relearn, be teachable and yield to the realities, then call it a quit and move on.



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