Recently, I had this urgent event I had to attend. As the day approached I went in search of a shoe because I had a dress code to adhere to. I searched online on various handles and marketplaces and high prices were much attached. 

Again, I decided to explore the physical market to see if I will get what I wanted at a reasonable price but alas it was all the same, so expensive. 

Finally, I decided to buy the ones I saw online just a few days before the event and wished I got it cheaper. 

The event came by and I was chilling online with my thoughts on something different, when I stumbled at the same shoe I got a few days ago at a very high price with a different color at a very lower price, I stopped and made more research about this shoe, I called the vendor and asked about the price again and she even gave me a discount since I will be coming from far to pick the shoe and I went ahead to buy them the next day. 

This singular episode taught me a great lesson in life, often times when we are in desperation to get something, it never comes out our way, even if it did, we pay so much for it and sometimes it doesn't last, but when we learn to be patience about it, remove our thoughts from it and plug on to be relaxed about it, then you see it easily coming our way effortlessly. 

Desperation earns nothing good, it rather keeps us in anxiousness for something that might never come, it makes us worried unnecessarily and keeps our pressure rate higher than not. 

Patience is a virtue we all should employ, marry and befriend. This practice is something we need to embrace for greater goals in life, it helps to keep us in shape, provide adequate support in our waiting time and dishes us with beautiful gains to tell us about its advantages. 

In all your doings make sure you avoid being desperate, learn to appreciate all your waiting period with joy, keep your mind updated with things that will distract you from wailing or getting worried, rather seek to indulge on things that are productive and rewarding, while you do this, the things you long for would come suddenly and blissfully. 

Vivsravine speaks


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