Recently, I was listening to a couple online and they were very raw about themselves in marriage, they went as far as sharing wrong expectations they had for each other when they got married and they consequences they faced as a result of that singular thought.

Don't marry anyone you don't agree with on anything or something at all, they said, you must be ready to compromise on your personal understanding and bend more often to accommodate your partner, else you aren't ready to stay married.

You must learn to shift grounds, make ammends and sacrifice and compromise to accommodate the other, its in this regard that love grows speedily and remains faithful to you, also complementing your partner brings about fond and sweet memories that ignites them to you always.

You should learn to  identify each other by knowing your strengths and weakness  and leverage on it, it helps you know when to react and get the best from your partner, often times we are so keen at dwelling on their weakness rather than leveraging on their strengths and that's why we have lots of marital wars today.

When you are saying" I DO" you are equally saying I do to the persons weaknesses and strength, so it's highy paramount to aviod dwelling or living in the past of your partners, stick to their present and help them build a future you desire they have.

While you are celebrating their strength, you are adapting to their weakness, this brings agreement in all things, at this point a lot of complement follows and as such, you record little or no fuss in marriage because you are busy dwelling on their strengths which adds so much spice to your union.

Put up a structure on each others ability, this structure is simply finding ways to resolve issues, find out what makes your partner happier, giving them ample time and making them priority in decision making, planning the future with them and carrying them along in all life's journey.

Stop having too much unrealistic expectation from your spouse, just keep your mind open, if you dwell in expecting so much or something from them and eventually it didn't come as expected or it didn't come at all, your hopes are tarnished and you result in unnecessary cold wars which results to unending fights.

They admonished us to, adhere to the following simple rules for effective martial gains.

*Making God first
*Making each other a priority
*Being able to love and forgive without holding grudges.
*Appreciate and compliment each other always
*Commitment, Communication, Consistency, communal friendship must exist.
*Pray for your partner always

Everyone had a weakness, so focus on the strength of your partner to get the best from them.

Everyone has a past,stop digging on their past, you were not there, so forgive them and focus on the present and future.

Trust me every marriage has its own challenge, figth for your marriage, stay glued to it

Please know this, never compare your marriage to others, its never healthy, be patience and work on your marriage.

To get married is declaring war against the enemies of martial bliss, therefore be spiritual alert.

Oh, let me remind you, there is no perfect and ready made marriage, don't take anything for granted, marriage is real work.

Like I said earlier God cannot give you a complete and perfect person, because you are not too, it's like a raw material in you hand, mould it to your taste.

Marriage is huge task, it's like a gift, you can't predict what it is in it, you must be ready to accept the future it brings.

Marriage is total commitment, not a contract, once you get to the other side of the bridge, the bridge is broken, you are expected to remain in your new domain.

Like a bank, it is what to deposit that you can with, so what are you depositing?

Vivsravine speaks 

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