Marriage is not a cake or ice cream flavour shared everyday, it has lots of thrones on the roses to present to you both .
You both will have to walk it through every day and be ready to take whatever joys or challenges it brings too.
Each partner has a weakness to manage, you both are humans and not robots.
Marriage is a big leap, you either leap to pains or joy at any given time, yet you must accept it wholeheartedly to manage a sustainable relationship.
Overcome self, brush out selfishness and learn to communicate effectively, if on a scale of 1 to 5 what is your communication level?
Not knowing how to communicate and cope is a big factor in marriage, some partners assume the other is aware, some never speaks, other speaks but in manner not acceptable, while others just chose to act all alone.
Many spouse complains of their partners not providing, if as a man in marriage who has a job or business and you fail to provide for your family, it simply means you are incapable, bad or just selfish.
It's always good to communicate and make sure your partner understands what you are talking about and find ways to slove your problems.
If you can't communicate effectively, it becomes though, when you don't know what to do, if you get to that point, seek help.
If you realise you both aren't happy in your marriage, ask lot of question as to why you indulge in the first place.
When you get agitated and want to seek refuge else where, rather with your partner then you need to seek help.
It's okay for two people who are adults who have not learnt how to complement each other, who lacks discipline to quarrel or argue or even fight but it's also good they seek help too.
You both need to learn how to do small things together, at least start from that and grow into something bigger,especially if you both know you still care for each other.
Be very intentional about the words you say and what you do to each other, relationship is a full time job, you can't be a part timer with it, certainly it would mess you up.
You can give all you have and still it's not enough, you can even fake the fun, you fight your feelings and stress your mind and give in all your strength to see something different from your partner.
Marriage is all about your own expectations and not other people's own, place your spouse first before any other person.
Marriage shouldn't turn you into someone you don't wish you ever be, someone said " like a crab I go into a shell when am pissed but when am comfortable with my partner I come outside and express my self to him"
Loving is not enough when being conscious with someone who means something to you, create family day, it is very crucial, what makes you both happy is very important, find it and create more memories of them and learn to find God's timing in all that concerns you.
You both got to be very strong and learn to be very strong when it comes to marital challenging situations because it must shake you or else you fall.
If you have children, teach them to see all the aspects of your love and never allow them see your struggles but always be there for your kids.
Marriage and family are very important aspect of life because it is what gives birth to society of today.
Make a sad moment into a great moment, know that people would always support you but you have to learn to support each other first.
Have someone to do life with who supports you through thick and thing.
Happy valentines day lovers.
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