
Showing posts from June, 2024


What is good for the geese is also good for the gander, I am so sure you know what it means to react to people the way you treat them, if you treat someone with lots of disdain and pain, certainly when you encounter such, you won't complain.  In the case of married couple, when you keep treating your spouse in a wrong way, be mindful that if they do the same thing you do to them, you will obviously not survive it. Marriage isn't about competition, rather every one is equal in it, you are the head as a man and she is the neck as the woman, hence the need to see that one can't do without the other, so whatever measure you take affects the other. You can't be married and still enjoy cheating and hiding things form your spouse, the day things will fall apart you will have your self to blame. Often times we act alone, take decisions without indulging our partners, we live as though we are still single even when we are married, neglecting the feelings of the other and acting


Some people would say things like, "when I am rich, I would travel round the world and build empires, others would say when I grow older" I will visit so many places some would even say when I am secured I will protect those around me. There so many wishes that never come through, there are so many words that never came to pass, but there are actions no matter how little grow to be what many enjoy till tomorrow. It is so good to make wishes but it is more beautiful to carry out our dreams and make them realities, for our own benefits and the good of others. Often times life's event might take place, situations so unbearable may occur, sometimes too, time and chance might not surface again and the we lose such opportunities. When you become deliberately intensional, you go an extra mile to achieve things, make the best use of your time and create lasting relationships and build great empires. Many live in total regrets today because of the things they neglected, the time t


  The things we do deliberately attracts more consequences than the things we do unknowingly. You don't expect to intensionally hurt someone and go scotfree, even if you ask for forgiveness and are forgiven , nature will still take its effects on you, God forgives but nature doesn't forget. Mind what you do to people, especially those we are so innocent of what you do to them, you will certainly pay heavily. You don't except to receive a national award from being wicked to your fellow brother and you go on galavating, some day you will certainly pay for the cost of your actions, karma doesn't forget the actions of pain. We live in a world filled with so much rage, we are always quick to fight and no one is patience with each other, we are so greedy that we want it all to ourselves and we careless of the need and pain of the next persons and when we start bearing the consequences of our actions we start asking questions and wondering where we went wrong. Treat people wit


There are countless situations that we can relate to when we discuss the activities in life, the scenarios are not limited to but similar to different experiences we share. People who come to the hospital are there to get better, they want to follow a procedure, get treatments and want to leave better than they came but unfortunately it isn't always so anticipated. We engage or indulge in various projects in life, some go into business, others learn a trade while some decide to go to school, all in the bid of becoming better and greater than when we all first started. Funny, as the we can recount, many won't complete the projects they started, others will go part way while some will even come to a conclusion but still won't be able to drive the affairs for a long time. Life affairs can be so dearing, some so complicated, others mysterious and while some easy but without a story behind it, we all have something to say about life and how it has dealt with us. Therefore, we r


What is good for the goose is also good for the gander. Whatever you do affects your partner positively or negatively, recall that to every action there is an equal and opposition reaction.  When you keep treating your spouse in a wrong way, be mindful that if they do the same thing you do to them, you will obviously not survive it. Marriage isn't about competition, rather every one is equal in it, you are the head and she is the neck, hence the need to see that one can't do without the other, so whatever measure you take affects the other. You can't be married and still enjoy cheating and hiding things form your spouse, the day things will fall apart you will have your self to blame. If you are in a good marriage, enjoy it and pray it lasts, but if you are in a bad marriage that is unrepairable, please leave, there is more to life than managing what will eventually kill you or take away your peace. Many, stay in unhealthy marriage because of their kids but the truth is tha


  Life comes with so many issues, circumstances and challenges, it is meant to be so, just as you are sloving and attending to one, another springs up and we keep going round and round until life finally happens. What do I call the place of grace, because in life we have lots of challenges we sort, it won't be out of place to consider the following factors as attributes of bliss when we encounter some qualities of life that makes life worth living. If we are blessed admist all life issues, then we can say we are in the place of grace, if we enjoy peace of mind even in our troubles, we can equally say we are in the place of grace, if We fellowship with one another amicably and extend a hand of love with them, then we are in the place of grace. More so, we could be out of grace also when sin , wrong life styles, worries, mistakes and vices take the over our lives, the access of grace becomes far from us and hence we fall. Get up and clean your life, make ammend where necessary, stop


  I chose to keep quite about some certain topics but I realised that even if you fail or choose not to talk about them, they will still linger and face you, hence it's rather better to talk about them, free your mind and remain positive. Suffering and smiling has become the icing on the cake for us here, we have become slaves in our own land, ruled by our own people and suffer pain and unimaginable hardship for a cause we have nothing to do about. Our liberty is limited, we are captives in our land, we can't express our opinion without been arrested, detained and even jailed, hence we rather wonder as fugitives and remain silenced. We have vast land, arid and fertile soil but we don't have food because insecurity has stopped our farmers from producing, the moment they go out to make an impact, they are apprehended, kidnapped and even killed, hence we  become hungry in a land with plenty. We are scared to take a long trip, all because of these same people, when  some are ta


 ESSENCE OF LIFE  Beyond here there is much more about LIFE, often times we concentrate so much about this life and truly forget that we are in a fleeting world.  When we look at the surface value of things we lose the main value of it, hence that is why we place so much value on temporary things and hardly store up treasure on immortality.  When you don't place a value on something you will never hold it to high esteem. Value attracts, again, you are what you believe in and what you place so much value on.  The essence of life is the love of neighbour and of God, that is indeed the summary of the commandment,so easy to the ears but so hard to attain and live by,these are the real value and what immortality requires of us.  Set your priorities right and have good sense of value and proper judgement. Life isn't all about you, life is about your next door neighbour and the extent of fellowship you are willing to share.  What value do you place on the things we have and the value