Honestly, marriage isn't for the feeble hearted, it takes lots of grace to live with someone you never grew up with, someone you met along the way in life and you decide to spend the rest of your life with them.

Love they say is blind most especially when you are courting and dating but it's highy different when you eventually get married, love turns to become an open reality, you either chose to ignore for peace sake or you talk about it and face the war therein.

Often times, love isn't enough to sustain a home, there are so many things that supports and rekindles the home, yes love is one of them but never enough to keep that home going.

Most times we are carried away and blinded by love when we fall in love but the hardest reality faces us when we get married and we are between leaving or staying, you checks all the pros and cons and decide what is best for you.

There are some actions your spouse takes and do and you start to wonder why they did that, you never saw it coming, yet, you can also wonder why you in particular do some things and you can't imagine you did them.

 Marriage comes with lots of emotion, which entails risks, pains, fears, congratulations, joy and blessings, yet you either chose to win or lose.

It is a war you figth, knowing or unknownly, your wars could be with your partner, extended family members, friends, work, life issues and so many unknown factors, but in all you can win these wars with silence, prayers, self motivation and the God factor.

It's a reality that beckons on our face daily, we hear about divorce, separation, domestic violence and even death, so also we hear about wins, anniversaries, sweet memories and untold victories in marriage, its more personal to chose what you want your marriage to be.

Know this, there is no special person created for you, there is no perfect person and there is better person in marriage, rather it is a decision to either stay married and take all it's wars and joys  or leave in peace to accept your sanity. 


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